War: Everywhere

Ung 1

Stephanie Ung

Joseph Dowd

Human 1BS

6 January 2016

War is Everywhere

Since I have been enrolled in the Humanities Core Course for a little over a quarter now, I have gained a new perspective on life in general. This course focuses primarily on war and it’s historical background and events. My view of war has changed through the ten weeks of this course, making me more aware of history and also of the current events that are occurring. Admittedly, before this course, I was never one to pay very close attention to current issues or historical events. Today, however, my perspective has changed as I am more aware and interested in the situations at hand. Even more so, I have realized that war is actually happening constantly.

Before this course, war to me was like how it is portrayed in the movies. The idea of it was just simply two countries in an argument, who then gathered up armies to meet in the middle of a large field and begin battling until there was a winner. Now I see that war can come in many different forms rather than just the fixed idea of two groups of men fighting each other. I see that war can be in the form of terrorist attacks, country invasions and bombings, countries being overrun or collapsing, or just deaths constantly. These all fit into the category of war.

Everyday there are accounts of some type of war presented on the news or in the newspaper. It has become such a common issue that many of the events are not even publicized due to there being so many that occur every day. Although I had some knowledge of this, I did not realize just how pressing this issue was. As a result, I have become more informed with world problems and am aware of how serious the issues are. I realize now that thousands upon thousands of people are being killed everyday, there are hundreds of terrorist attacks, and countries are being invaded. Yet not all of these issues are being shown to the public because of how common they are or because they are occurring in first world countries.

Lastly, in addition to all of those forms of war, I realize there is one other form, and that is politics. Politics can be a type of war, having one party argue against the other. There does not necessarily need to involve mass killings and physical violence, but there is verbal fighting and manipulation.

Because of this course, I am a well informed student about current and historical world events and have a new perspective on war. I see that it is not just about armies battling back and forth but so much more than that. It is between countries, it occurs in countries, and it even exists among certain people. War surrounds us everywhere.

One thought on “War: Everywhere

  1. Wassup, I agree with what you’re saying about war being not just about the battle. It certainly does occur in many different levels. This post reminded me of the Wednesday lecture when the professor discussed the idea of “Wars within wars.” War occurs not only in big scales but in little ones too.


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